Senin, 16 November 2015

7 Types of Exercise That Burn Most Calories


I want to live on earth as in heaven. I know you want to live on earth as in heaven too. Together we want to live on earth as in heaven.

If all human beings want to live on earth as in heaven, then evil will wane quickly. And that's when peace comes down to earth.

Matthew {6:10} Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven.

I am happy. You are happy. All humans will be happy. :)

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Each person would crave the healthy body, fit and have an ideal body weight. One of the problems often faced by the modern human is the issue of weight, especially obesity. The main cause of obesity is overeating. And the second cause is less exercise or sedentary.

In fact, people with overweight or obese are typically more vulnerable to disease. Burn calories in the body believed to be an effective way to lose weight. No wonder that most types of exercise burn calories more loved by those who want to get slim. There are several sports that burn a lot of calories, but there is also a few which burn calories. The key is to choose the type of exercise that is appropriate and effective for weight loss.

Here are 7 types of exercise most burn calories:
  1. Biking
The smart way to exercise the cardio and maximize weight loss program is by bicycle. One hour of intense biking can burn up to 850 calories. Do not forget also provide drinking water in order that your body protected from dehydration.
  1. Jump rope
This activity is one of the best exercises to burn calories quickly and effectively. One hour of exercise jumping rope can burn 700 to 800 calories. However, the intensity is paramount. Start with ten to twenty minutes if you are a beginner.
  1. Swim
If you don’t like sweating activity, swimming could be the best solution to burn calories quickly. One hour of an intense swimming can burn 700 calories. Moreover, swimming also helps you stay in shape and fit.
  1. Aerobic
Aerobic is the kind of fun exercise. This exercise will help you in losing weight quickly. So much fun, you feel like you're not exercising. In fact, some fitness trainers recommend aerobic for women because the results you will get, that has a sexy and slim body.
  1. Treadmill
Running on a treadmill is the simplest way to burn body fat. With the treadmill for an hour, you can burn up to 600 calories in your body. In order for your activities are not boring, turn your favorite songs while exercising on the treadmill.
  1. Run
Running has proven to be one of the best exercises of all time. This exercise can reduce stress and depression. During the one hour run, you can burn about 600 calories. The higher of the intensity, the more calories are burned.
  1. Zumba Fitness
With an average burn 400-700 calories per one-hour session, Zumba becomes a fun exercise choice, especially for women. With the movements are like dancing, Zumba can help burn stubborn fats in the body.

Well, so 7 exercise to burn more calories quickly. Soon practice the types above and feel healthy benefits. Which one is your favorite? Write your favorite in the comments. Please let me know.

Good luck!

Best Exercises For Burning Calories.

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3. Why Do You Have to Do 7 Minutes of Daily Exercise Before Going to Work?

I hope this article is useful to all of us.

Thank you.



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